In August of 2006 Mark Smyk and Pete Hollings ran a one day trip to the Slate Islands, the proposed site of a ~450Ma meteorite impact. Fifteen participants made the trip to Terrace Bay and with the cooperation of the weather gods the trip was a success. The following photos record some of the highlights.

While there are no immediate plans to run another trip to the Slate Islands we may do it again if there is suficient interest. So if you think you might like to see these rocks for yourselves then contact the ILSG Secretary and we will add you to the waiting list. Alternatively you can download the guide book from the publications page of this web site.

Photos of the most recent trip in August 2007 can be found here

Henry Halls (left) and Cris Lane examining the giant shattercones in McGreevy Harbour (courtesy Al MacTavish)

Tom Hart (courtesy Al MacTavish)

Pete Hollings acting as scale at the anastamosing breccias near stop A2 (courtesy Al MacTavish)

Mark Jirsa (courtesy Al MacTavish)

Examining the impact breccias at Stop B (courtesy Pete Hollings)

Mark Smyk (courtesy Al MacTavish)

Terry Boerboom (courtesy Pete Hollings)

Dick Ojakangas (courtesy Pete Hollings)

Examining the impact breccias at Stop A2 (courtesy Pete Hollings)

Caribou swimming between islands (courtesy Pete Hollings)

Panorama over Terrace Bay with Slate Islands in the distance (courtesy Wouter Bleeker)

Looking for gold in Horace Cove (courtesy Mark Smyk)

Wouter Bleeker and Guillame Defontaine examining the banded iron formation at Stop D (courtesy Mark Smyk)

Terry Boerboom relaxing under an improvised shelter at Stop 1A (courtesy Pete Hollings)

Mark Jirsa hunting for the right perspective (courtesy Mark Smyk)

The flotilla (courtesy Mark Smyk)

Studying the breccias at Stop A (courtesy Mark Smyk)

John Gartner (courtesy John Gartner)

(courtesy Mark Smyk)

Debating the impact breccias at Stop B (courtesy John Gartner)

Cruising the islands on Das Boot (courtesy Tom Hart)

Terry Boerboom on the Osler flows (courtesy Tom Hart)

Dawn-Ann Trebilcock on the Osler flows (courtesy Tom Hart)

Spectacular impact breccias at Stop A (courtesy Ken Storm Jr.)

Photographs from other trips can be viewed by clicking on the links below