2014 Report - Photo gallery

This gallery is a work in progress and we will be adding more photos as they become available. Check back regularly. If you have photographs you would like included please send them to the ILSG Secretary

Dean Peterson in the upper SKI gravel pit, Trip 5 (photo courtesy Karl Everett)

Terry Boerboom and Laurel Woodruff Mesabi Black quarry, Trip 5 (photo courtesy Karl Everett)

Mesabi Black quarry, Trip 5 (photo courtesy Karl Everett)

Mesabi Black quarry, Trip 5 (photo courtesy Karl Everett)

Dean Peterson at Stop 4, Trip 5 (photo courtesy Karl Everett)

Terry Boerboom, Klaus Schultz and Laurel Woodruff, Stop 4 of Trip 5 (photo courtesy Karl Everett)

Stop 6 of Trip 5 (photo courtesy Karl Everett)

Dean Peterson at Stop 9, Trip 5 (photo courtesy Karl Everett)

Field trip 1 - participants in Thunderbird North taconite mine (photo courtesy Mark Jirsa)

Field trip 1 - some participants at a waterfalls in the historic Fayal mine (1895-1965), now part of the Thunderbird South taconite pit (photo courtesy Mark Jirsa)

Field trip E - canoe launch into flooded "natural ore "(hematite-geothite) mine near Chisholm. (photo courtesy Mark Jirsa)

Field trip E - participants view fold structure in the mine that might have been related to oxidation and the formation of natural ores (photo courtesy Mark Jirsa)

Field trip 1 - Mary Ellen mine, now drained in preparation for taconite mining (photo courtesy Mark Jirsa)

Field tripo 1: stromatolite mounds exposed in the Mary Ellen mine (photo courtesy Mark Jirsa)

Field trip 7 - Bill Rowell (Vermillion Gold, Inc.) explaining geology, alteration, exploration history, and gold mineralization in the Virginia Horn (photo courtesy Mark Jirsa)

Drilling barge in Rouchleau natural ore mine near Virginia; geotechnical drilling underway for reroute of Highway 53 in preparation for taconite mining of current highway corridor (photo courtesy Mark Jirsa)

Aubrey Lee points out magmatic relationships at "Confusion Hill," also known as Laurentian wayside rest area north of Virginia (photo courtesy Mark Jirsa)

Laurel Woodruff receives her Goldich medal from Bill Cannon (photo courtesy Mark Jirsa)